The data storage domain where VMs are stored is mounted with gluster through ovirt. The performance I get for the VMs is very low and I was thinking to switch and mount the same storage through NFS instead of glusterfs.Hi All,I've playing with ovirt self hosted engine setup and I even use it to production for several VM. The setup I have is 3 server with gluster storage in replica 2+1 (1 arbiter).
ThanxNote: gluster has the back-vol-file option which provides a lean way to have redundancy on the mount point and I am using this when mounting with glusterfs.Are there any other more elegant solutions? What do you do for such cases?then use nfsmount as the server name when adding this domain through ovirt GUI. nfsmount10.100.100.2 nfsmount10.100.100.1 nfsmountThe only think I am hesitant is how can I ensure high availability of the storage when I loose one server? I was thinking to have at /etc/hosts sth like below:
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