On Tue, 15 May 2018 at 21:47 Aziz <azizgstest@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Roy,

Thanks for your feedback, I'm unable to remove the user from the cluster, I used the command "ovirt-aaa-jdbc-tool user add" to add the new user, and it seems that by default it took all permissions over the cluster. Is there any document describing this feature in details ?

In the webadmin go to Administration -> Configure > System Permissions. If the user is there, remove him. Then search for the VM and add permissions to the user on the VM
Check your end result in the 'permisions' section of the VM to see who has permissions on it.
This should be helpful, quite long though https://www.ovirt.org/documentation/admin-guide/chap-Users_and_Roles/
This is for the tool itself https://www.ovirt.org/develop/release-management/features/infra/aaa-jdbc/


On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 6:31 PM, Roy Golan <rgolan@redhat.com> wrote:
1. Make sure your users use the VM portal
2. Assign permission on VM to a certain user to make sure it apears in the portal. The Role should be VmOperator afaik.

Permission set on objects higher in the hierarchy are cascading, i.e a user with permission on a cluster would have the permission on the all the vm in cluster.

On Tue, 15 May 2018 at 20:59 Aziz <azizgstest@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi list,

I'm trying to remove the default "everyone" user from Ovirt, so that each user can have access to its own interface to manage a unique VM. I wonder if this is possible, because so far I'm unable to remove everyone user.

Thank you

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