Here is the error I am getting:

VM fs1 is down. Exit message internal error process exited while connecting to monitor: qemu-kvm: -drive file=/rhev/data-center/c10c25e0-526a-11e1-a5e4-87fa674ffb5d/651cb693-3ffa-43b6-ab49-43cfb03d179b/images/7fa8a2e7-214e-4081-9f1f-f78c88b2f96e/49c199b6-cbda-4aa0-9b50-e3dc28341e09,if=none,id=drive-virtio-disk0,format=raw,serial=81-9f1f-f78c88b2f96e,cache=none,werror=stop,rerror=stop,aio=threads: could not open disk image /rhev/data-center/c10c25e0-526a-11e1-a5e4-87fa674ffb5d/651cb693-3ffa-43b6-ab49-43cfb03d179b/images/7fa8a2e7-214e-4081-9f1f-f78c88b2f96e/49c199b6-cbda-4aa0-9b50-e3dc28341e09: Permission denied .

I can add the domain fine.  it is not the master domain and it is another node. I can create virtual disks but cannot start vm's.  I saw a post on google that mentions nfs=0 not nfs=1 i think it was in /usr/sbin/senforce maybe?  Does anyone recollect this problem and can help me?  Again this is on a separate node and is a standard data domain  not master.


Dominic Kaiser
Greater Boston Vineyard
Director of Operations

cell: 617-230-1412
fax: 617-252-0238