....but i want the way from the ovirt portal...if possible ??
Yes, its possible.
in my case if the mount point HV node goes down...all the VM's will
pause...and once the node come up..i need to manually poweroff the VM's
and manually start again...
I failed to interpret 'mount point' here. If you are talking about 'gluster' volume server , the VM behaviour depends on the gluster configuration which indirectly depend on the quorum configuration and volume configuration. If there is an error from underlying storage ( here gluster volume) VM can pause , however latest versions of ovirt support auto resume.
Someone from community suggest me to use the
localhost as mount point if you are using compute & storage on the
same node...but i doubt about the failover...that means if any node goes
down....how the VM migration on another node will happen ??
If you are using local data center the VM migration can't happen. You have to configure a storage domain which can be accessed from your Ovirt Cluster Hosts .