
You will need to enable nested virtualization in your physical host.

To check if enable:
cat /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/nested

If the output is "N", you will need to add a file
with the content:
options kvm-intel nested=Y

Then reboot, or reload the KVM module.

Note that the performance of the nested VMs will be impacted.


On Mon, Apr 30, 2018 at 4:02 PM, James Michels <karma.sometimes.hurts@gmail.com> wrote:

In terms of teaching our students how to create and configure an oVirt infrastructure, we're planning to provide each of them a VM that will act as a Manager server, which has no issues so far. The problem is that we don't have enough physical machines to use as virtualization servers (VDSM), therefore we have been trying to use a CentOS7 based oVirt guest to run as a VDSM server.

However, when trying to add it as a host, a (logical) error message shows up saying that the VM doesn't allow virtualization.

The question is simple: Is there a way to enable virtualization on an oVirt VM, so we can deploy them as VDSM servers?

This is oVirt 4.2.2 FWIW.



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