Hello Mark,
can you please share the relevant lines of supervdsm.log from the host?
Helpful to understand the intended change are the lines starting with the relevant "call setupNetworks",
including the line containing "Desired state"
until some lines below "Unexpected failure of libnm when running the mainloop"
The most recent line containing "return network_caps with" is helpful to understand the initial state before the error occurred.

On Fri, Jun 19, 2020 at 6:16 PM Mark R <ovirtlist@beanz.33mail.com> wrote:
The error with a bit more info from the events page, after adding network to an interface fails:

VDSM rack4slot11.domain.com command HostSetupNetworksVDS failed: Internal JSON-RPC error: {'reason': 'Unexpected failure of libnm when running the mainloop: run execution'}

Sorry, should have included that in the other message.

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