On Thu, Mar 2, 2017 at 5:55 PM, Duarte Fernandes Rocha <dfr@eurotux.com> wrote:

Hello all,


I have a Hosted engine Setup, 2 physical hosts, 1 for virtualization and another for managing OVirt.

The host that runs the engine VM could also run other VMs at the same time.
On the other side, only if both the hosts could run the engine VM, ovirt-ha-agent is ensuring HA: HA on a single host is not HA.


I've setup the storage via iSCSI, with 2 sessions


tcp: [1] *.*.*.*:3260,1 iqn.1992**************** (non-flash)

tcp: [2] *.*.*.*:3260,2 iqn.1992**************** (non-flash)


Everything is working as expected until I added a new physical host to the cluster. The new host only establishes 1 iSCSI session.


If I add the session manually afterwards:


iscsiadm -m node -l


I do get both sessions but if I put the host in maintenance it only logs out from the one that the OVirt made.


Is there a way to force the new added host to login in the same iscsi targets as the other host?

Deploy it as an hosted-engine host from the webui.


OVirt Engine Version:


CentOS Linux release 7.3.1611 (Core)




Duarte Fernandes Rocha <dfr@eurotux.com>


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