On Wed, 2013-10-30 at 13:33 +0100, Vinzenz Feenstra wrote:
On 10/28/2013 04:32 PM, Itamar Heim wrote:
> On 10/28/2013 05:19 PM, René Koch (ovido) wrote:
>>> Also, the guest-agent itself is just a python script that should just
>>> >work. Just some packaging is required, so we're looking to revamp this
>>> >in build.opensuse.org, and hope some SUSE users will help us with
>>> >closing and testing this one.
>> I can help creating packages for SLES and openSUSE on build.opensuse.org
>> for latest guest agent without SSO (and of course test the packages) or
>> is Vinzenz Feenstra already working on it as I saw he pushed the sources
>> to OBS?
> I'm sure Vinzenz will appreciate help with this one - so many things 
> to do...
Packages are now available for openSUSE 12.3, 13.1 and Factory, and SLES 
11 SP3
I also updated a packaged version of python-ethtool to 0.7 in that 
repository. So that we have the full support of the features it provides.

I just tested your guest agent packages on openSUSE 12.3 x86_64 - SLES 11 will follow...

Everything works fine except application listing, as the packages have different names on openSUSE:

Here's my application_list for openSUSE 12.3:

# openSUSE Packages:    kernel-desktop ovirt-guest-agent-common xf86-video-qxl
applications_list = kernel ovirt-guest-agent xorg-x11-drv-qxl linux-image xserver-xorg-video-qxl kernel-desktop ovirt-guest-agent-common xf86-video-qxl

I tested these features and they are working fine:
- shutdown guest
- display memory
- display ip address (both ipv4 and ipv6)
- display applications

Great job!


> Thanks,
>    Itamar