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From: LukeFlynn <lukehflynn@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 5:15 PM
Subject: Re: [ovirt-users] PFSense VLAN Trunking
To: FERNANDO FREDIANI <fernando.frediani@upx.com>

Good news, I found a way to trunk vlans!

I couldn't get it working with native linux bridges, instead I opted to migrate my ovirt cluster to use OpenVSwitch instead (which is what XenServer is using among others). The default behavior of untagged OVS networks is to trunk all, so I simply had to create an untagged network on the same interface (or bond) as the tagged network and pass the untagged to pfsense. This didn't work with native bridging, but works as expected with OVS. Good news is that network throughput is great, I'm able to get full gigabit speeds! Just make sure you disable tx offloading in the PFSense web gui. 

There are a couple of gotchas when switching a cluster to OVS:

1.) It doesn't appear to be fully automated just yet (support is experimental)
2.) You must manually enable and start the openvswitch.service
3.) I had to manually tear down all of the network configuration VDSM did, and basically set the host networking up from scratch in the web UI after moving the cluster to OVS.

Hope this helps some folks!


On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 8:26 AM, FERNANDO FREDIANI <fernando.frediani@upx.com> wrote:

I also wanted to know this which is pretty useful for these scenario. Great question !

Fernando Frediani

On 17/09/2017 23:33, LukeFlynn wrote:

I'm wondering if there is a way to trunk all VLANs to a PFSense VM similar to using the "4095" tag in ESXi. I've tried using an untagged interface on the same bond to no avail.

Anyone have any ideas? Perhaps it's a problem with the virtio drivers and not the network setup itself?



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