Hi Robert,

there are different answers based on what you mean by integrating oVirt and containers. Do you mean:

- Installing container management (Kubernetes or OpenShift) on top of oVirt and using oVirt as infrastructure?
- Managing containers from oVirt interface?
- Running VM workloads inside containers?
- Something different?

I can elaborate more based on your specific needs

Best regards

On Tue, Dec 24, 2019 at 3:52 PM Robert Webb <rwebb@ropeguru.com> wrote:

I was searching around to try and figure out the best way to integrate oVirt and containers.


I have found some sites that discuss it but all of them are like 2017 and older.


Any recommendations?


Just build VM’s to host containers or is there some direct integration?


Here are a couple of the old sites







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Jan Zmeskal

Quality Engineer, RHV Core System

Red Hat