Thanks.  The Installation->Reinstall was something I missed but that doesn't seem to have helped.  The host info still says that 'Device Passthrough' is Disabled. I'm sure I enabled everything I needed to in the BIOS but will have to double check.  This is an old motherboard without IPMI though.  Meh.

On Thu, Apr 16, 2020 at 6:04 PM Strahil Nikolov <> wrote:
On April 16, 2020 6:22:35 PM GMT+03:00, Shareef Jalloq <> wrote:
>I'm trying to set up one of our nodes with PCI passthrough but there is
>dead lnk in the documentation for the kernel boot parameter section of
>creating a new host.
>Anyone know where this went or can help me with the options?

In order  to change a kernel parameter  - set the host into maintenance -> edit the host -> kernel ->  put  ticks where necessary or type your kernel parameter and save.
Next use the 'Installation'  dropdown and select reinstall.
Once  it's over - reboot the host from UI.

At least this is the way I have enabled  nested virtualization.

Best Regards,
Strahil Nikolov