On Thu, Jan 3, 2019 at 8:32 AM Leo David <leoalex@gmail.com> wrote:
Thank you very much !
I will have a look at the python script,  it might do the job as you are saying, Greg.
I've seen this: https://ovirtclient.com/   and it seems to be exactly what I need ( especially for running on PI ), but I assume it is a commercial solution...
Maybe wrapping and running the script on PI would make it somehow similar.
Not sure about the features like vms list, media mount, vm power control, usb redirection, how will work...
It would really be a nice thing to have the thin client running on a raspberry pi.


In an older post in late 2016 there was a similar question.
and replies (also in November)

One of the replies pointed to this github project:

At that time I tested it a bit and seemed working good. It seems it has not been updated since January 2017
Among the replies there was also the note about User Portal replacement through web-ui that now is reality, although still based on web browsing functionality.
