On Sat, Feb 12, 2022 at 9:21 AM Glen Jarvis <glen@glenjarvis.com> wrote:

> I would like to know why "vdsm-tool config-lvm-filter" makes
> you pull your hair out.
> It was designed to help people configure their system
> correctly without pulling their hair out trying to
> understand how lvm filter works, and avoid the many
> wrong ways it can be used.

Honestly, it is just from a lack of understanding of what is happening when it does break (as it is for us when doing a hypervisor install on a fresh box). Normally, I can just dig through the stack and figure out what is happening. There are enough areas where I don't have some foundations that I'm not able to do so here (yet).

For example, I don't quite understand iSCSI, Multipath, etc enough to know what is breaking, and why.

I'm accustomed to being able to dig deeper at each level until I can generally see what is breaking.

This confusion will go away as I get a bit more experience and have a "map" of what is going on on this level.

FWIW, I started reading the Libvirt book previously mentioned and it's pretty straight forward. It looks like I just need to get through this enough to get a good foothold so that I can figure out how to either fix things when they break or point out properly why something is breaking (so I can get the appropriate help).

> Do you have some specific areas you would like to improve?

Actually, yes :)  In:
1. Learn libvirt more (in progress)
2. Review source for vdsm-tool to have a better sense what is going on
3. Setup an iSCSI system so  that I can make luns, build a system, play with storage pools this way

You may find vdsm/contrib/target tool useful:

This tool makes it simple to create or delete a new iSCSI target for
development purposes.

The best way to add iSCSI server for development, is to create a new VM -
virt-manager is the easier way to do this, and install targetcli and copy
vdsm/contrib/target to the vm.

Then to create a new target you can run:

# ./target create mytarget

Creating target
  target_name:   mytarget
  target_iqn:    iqn.2003-01.org.alpine.mytarget
  target_dir:    /target/mytarget
  lun_count:     10
  lun_size:      100 GiB
  cache:         False
  exists:        False

Create target? [N/y]:

You may find the tool source interesting, explaining why we configure
the target in a certain way.
