On Thu, Jan 11, 2018 at 2:31 PM, Ryan Barry <rbarry@redhat.com> wrote:
Note that, in the case of Node, the ovirt-release RPM should not be installed. Mostly because it automatically enables a number of per-package updates (such as vdsm) instead of installing a single image.

Trimming the repo files so they look like what is shipped in Node (IgnorePkgs and OnlyPkgs) will pull ovirt-node-ng-image-update.rpm, which is the only package needing an update.


i'm upgrading ovirt-node too. I found out that installing ovirt-release file and running yum upgrade wants to upgrade everything. Instead, if i make 

yum upgrade ovirt-node-ng-image* 

I get the new image downloaded.

So which is the right procedure to upgrade a node? Maybe providing a single command alternative to yum (let's say ovirt-node-upgrade) for upgrading would be better and avoid issues when doing such operation.


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