
Our thin clients are linux based so this should fit. Also managing power and having access to a console is enough for us. We will deploy a few of them and try the desktop client these days.


2016-10-29 10:23 GMT+01:00 James Michels <>:
Hello Amy.

We had the same needs back in July as we have some classrooms with thin clients and although we don't just offer the oVirt service we wanted something simple so users don't need to open a browser and just handle their machines in a simple way, so I found this project [1] that works quite fine for what we need. Manage virtual machine's power and start a viewer. Period. No more funcionalities (not sure if you need something more sophisticated...).

The project has been stopped for a time but it seems that the maintainer is implementing new capabilities and fixing some things lately.

As a side note, you didn't mention if your thin clients are linux or windows based but I believe this is for linux only.




2016-10-28 20:47 GMT+01:00 Amy Morrisson <>:
Hey there,

I'm looking for some kind of desktop client for ovirt. I believe as per what I've seen that there's nothing official so I'm looking for any other options (even if it's an own development). As a last resource we can use the web admin but the purpose is to have a few thin clients which would start the client at boot time so it's more confortable for users, plus most times the web admin becomes slow after a while.

I'm not sure if something like this exists. In any case thanks for any tip.

By the way, we're using ovirt 3.6.7, fwiw.

Amy Morrisson

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