Thanks Liran,

It clears up the confusion.


On Wed, Mar 3, 2021 at 1:04 PM Liran Rotenberg <> wrote:
Cloud-init is usually used only once to initialize the guest OS configuration.
When using the normal Run, if it's the first time this VM goes up, the cloud-init will be included, otherwise it won't as it isn't supposed to be re-configured or being configured after the VM already ran.
However, Run-Once bypasses this safety check and allows it, making the VM as a "fresh one".
I hope it clears things up a bit.

On Wed, Mar 3, 2021 at 12:46 PM Shantur Rathore <> wrote:
Hi Users,

I am new to oVirt and having some confusion with cloud-init.
I have a VM which supports Cloud Init and when I enable Cloud Init under Initial boot settings of VM, the cloud-init config disk isn't attached to the VM.
If I use Run-Once and enable Cloud-Init the config disk is attached to the VM and works as expected.

Is cloud-init only supposed to work with Run-Once or am I missing something?

Thanks in advance.
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