Yes, I did it, not working in my case.

This is explanation from Benny:

So based on your logs the lock you are seeing is a memory lock, can't really help with these.
Also, the job table is used mainly for presentation so removing an
entry from will not help.

On 8 Aug 2022, at 15:30, Jirka Simon <> wrote:

Hi Andrei

have you cecked locked entries here ?

/usr/share/ovirt-engine/setup/dbutils/ -t all  -qc

it helped to me to unlock snapshots and disks and then restart VM.  but yes, there is a chance to damage VM,


On 8/8/22 08:33, Andrei Verovski wrote:

OK, how to properly remove this lock? Right now VM is locked and is unmanageable at all in any way.
I suppose its with some SQL commands in Postgres.


On 5 Aug 2022, at 11:34, Benny Zlotnik <> wrote:

So based on your logs the lock you are seeing is a memory lock, can't really help with these.
Also, the job table is used mainly for presentation so removing an
entry from will not help.

Do you have the logs from when this snapshot operation started, you
can use the correlation id (28353fa0-5e36-4fe8-8609-e74cd1da6d36) to
search? Also, do you have the vdsm logs (SPM at the time and the host
running the VM), same correlation id can be used for this as well

The table that's used to coordinate this is command_entities, so in
theory removing the entries with this correlation id can help, but I'd
like to see what led to this first

On Fri, Aug 5, 2022 at 8:37 AM Andrei Verovski <> wrote:
Hi, Benny,

I have sent log on your mailbox, its too big to post here on mailing list.

Looks like ghost task is still running, anything else need to be removed from Postgres DB?

BTW, frozen dead snapshot is in invalid state, is there any way to get rid of it? I think it's actually exists, but due to invalid state its not possible to do anything with it.


Log file still shows zombie task:

2022-08-04 20:57:30,145+03 INFO  [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.SerialChildCommandsExecutionCallback] (EE-ManagedScheduledExecutorService-engineScheduledThreadPool-Thread-24) [28353fa0-5e36-4fe8-8609-e74cd1da6d36] Command 'CreateSnapshotForVm' (id: '2f8b32d8-fd3c-46c9-90e9-4863d63c0530') waiting on child command id: 'ed816f9d-e25c-4b58-8c8f-fd0393abda2f' type:'CreateLiveSnapshotForVm' to complete
2022-08-04 20:57:40,176+03 INFO  [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.SerialChildCommandsExecutionCallback] (EE-ManagedScheduledExecutorService-engineScheduledThreadPool-Thread-85) [28353fa0-5e36-4fe8-8609-e74cd1da6d36] Command 'CreateSnapshotForVm' (id: '2f8b32d8-fd3c-46c9-90e9-4863d63c0530') waiting on child command id: 'ed816f9d-e25c-4b58-8c8f-fd0393abda2f' type:'CreateLiveSnapshotForVm' to complete
2022-08-04 20:57:50,252+03 INFO  [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.SerialChildCommandsExecutionCallback] (EE-ManagedScheduledExecutorService-engineScheduledThreadPool-Thread-66) [28353fa0-5e36-4fe8-8609-e74cd1da6d36] Command 'CreateSnapshotForVm' (id: '2f8b32d8-fd3c-46c9-90e9-4863d63c0530') waiting on child command id: 'ed816f9d-e25c-4b58-8c8f-fd0393abda2f' type:'CreateLiveSnapshotForVm' to complete

On 4 Aug 2022, at 19:06, Benny Zlotnik <> wrote:

can you share the logs after restarting ovirt-engine?

On Thu, Aug 4, 2022 at 4:58 PM Andrei Verovski <> wrote:

Creating snapshot of one of the VM vailed, and zombie tasks was killed with:

su postgres
psql -d engine -U postgres
select * from job order by start_time desc;

select DeleteJob('UUID_FROZEN_TASK_ID’);

However, VM remains in locked state (with lock sign left-below red “DOWN” arrow in status column of web interface.

I run:
/usr/share/ovirt-engine/setup/dbutils/ -t all

then rebooted engine VM, still no luck. Can’t do anything with that VM.

Please advise how to fix.
Thanks in advance.
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