What VLAN you expected to see on the vnics? 200?
Per the screenshots, 200 is already in use on the host for a different network. You cannot have the same vlan on two different networks if they origin from the same nic/bond.

Lets take a small example to illustrate this:
On the Host: bond0 with eth0 and eth1 as slaves. On bond0, there are 3 vlans: 101, 102, 103.
We define 4 networks: net1 on vlan 101, net2 on vlan 102, net3 on vlan 103 and netall on bond0.

When packets pass bond0, they are classified based on their tag, all that match the defined vlans will be stripped and forwarded up the stack to the relevant vlan interface.
The ones that are left will get processed by bond0 and the network that is set on top of it.
Therefore, the netall network will never see packets that came from vlan 101, 102 and 103, but will see all the rest.


On Mon, Mar 13, 2017 at 3:27 PM, Rogério Ceni Coelho <rogeriocenicoelho@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Everyone,

I try to use as we talk about not define a vlan tag, but does not work. I try using tag vlan and bond + tag vlan. Seems as you can see, ovirt attach vlan id 0 ( reserved to untagged vlan on a trunck - http://standards.ieee.org/getieee802/download/802.1Q-2005.pdf ).





Em dom, 12 de mar de 2017 às 11:33, Edward Haas <ehaas@redhat.com> escreveu:
On Sun, Mar 12, 2017 at 3:43 PM, Rogério Ceni Coelho <rogeriocenicoelho@gmail.com> wrote:

I think you define vlans on vm virtual nic OS like you do as usual. Monday i will try and share results. Bye.

Em Dom, 12 de mar de 2017 10:40, FERNANDO FREDIANI <fernando.frediani@upx.com> escreveu:
Great !

What about a range of VLANs, is it also supported ?

That was the OVS note all about, only with an OVS bridge it is possible to define/select the vlans which are exposed
to the VM vnic. But this is not available at the moment.
As Rogério mentioned, define the VLAN/s on the VM vnic.

2017-03-11 17:47 GMT-03:00 Edward Haas <ehaas@redhat.com>:
Passing a trunk to the vnic is supported long ago.
Just create a network over a nic/bond that is connected to a trunk port and do not define any VLAN (we call it non vlan network).
In oVirt, a non-vlan network will ignore the VLAN tag and will forward the packets as is onward.
It is up to the VM vnic to define vlans or use a promisc mode to see everything.

OVS can add a layer of security over the existing, by defining explicitly which vlans are allowed for a specific vnic, but it is not
currently available.

On Thu, Mar 9, 2017 at 11:40 PM, Simon Vincent <sv@srvincent.co.uk> wrote:
I was wondering if open vswitch will get round this problem. Has anyone tried it?

On 9 Mar 2017 7:41 pm, "Rogério Ceni Coelho" <rogeriocenicoelho@gmail.com> wrote:

Ovirt user interface does not allow to input 4095 as a tag vlan number ... Only values between 0 and 4094.

This is useful to me too. Maybe any other way ?

Em qui, 9 de mar de 2017 às 16:15, FERNANDO FREDIANI <fernando.frediani@upx.com> escreveu:

Have you tried use Vlan 4095 ? On VMware it used to be the way to pass all Vlans from a vSwitch to a Vlan in a single port. And yes I have used it also for pfSense.


On 09/03/2017 16:09, Simon Vincent wrote:
Is it possible to pass multiple VLANs to a VM (pfSense) using a single virtual NIC? All my existing oVirt networks are setup as a single tagged VLAN. I know this didn't used to be supported but wondered if this has changed. My other option is to pass each VLAN as a separate NIC to the VM however if I needed to add a new VLAN I would have to add a new interface and reboot the VM as hot-add of NICs is not supported by pfSense.

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