2017-09-21 9:19 GMT+02:00 Markus Stockhausen <stockhausen@collogia.de>:Hi,
given the fact that a current yum update will bring Centos 7.4 and qemu 2.9
to the nodes I wonder if a gluster update thorugh Ovirt repos is already close
to release? Not only is 3.8 EOL but also I like to minimize the update steps to
a new stable package level.We are planning an upgrade to GlusterFS 3.10 with oVirt 4.2.0.Sahina, according to https://www.spinics.net/lists/gluster-users/msg31875. 3.8 is becoming EOL since august, any plan to anticipate the move to 3.10 before 4.2.0?html