To solve this, I am trying to restart ovsdb-server using the following command,
ovsdb-server --remote=punix:*/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock* --remote=db:Open_vSwitch,Open_vSwitch,manager_options --private-key=db:Open_vSwitch,SSL,private_key--certificate=db:Open_vSwitch,SSL,certificate --bootstrap-ca-cert=db:Open_vSwitch,SSL,ca_cert --pidfile --detach
But I am getting the following error.
ovsdb-server: /var/run/openvswitch/ create failed (No such file or directory)
How to restart the ovsdb-server?? Also ovirtmgmt network is missing from my node. It happened after I rebooted my node after it got upgraded to Ovirt 4.1