The VirtualNumaNode[1] object has 'numa_node_pins' member, that is a list of NumaNodePin[2].
Most of the members of NumaNodePin object are deprecated and not used.
The important one is 'index', which is the index of the host numa node to which the
vm numa node is pinned. Here is the REST API documentation: [3].
A simple python example can be:
import ovirtsdk4 as sdk
conn = sdk.Connection("URL", "admin@internal", "PASSWORD")
host_node = conn.service("hosts/123/numanodes/456").get()
vm_node_service = conn.service("vms/789/numanodes/123")
vm_node = vm_node_service.get()
vm_node.numa_node_pins = [ sdk.types.NumaNodePin(index=host_node.index, pinned=True) ]