On Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 6:15 PM, Simone Tiraboschi <stirabos@redhat.com> wrote:

It pools engine REST API checking the host status for 10 minutes till it become 'up' or 'non_operational'. In your case it reached the 10 minutes timeout.
Please check engine and host-deploy logs on the engine VM.


One note I did't specify, if it could influence my results.

I'm working on a laptop with Fedora 21.
The CentOS 7.1 hypervisor on which I'm working is a vm of this Fedora system, where I enabled nested virtualization.

host-deploy on engine seems empty:

[root@shengine host-deploy]# pwd
[root@shengine host-deploy]# ll
total 0
[root@shengine host-deploy]# 

engine.log.gz of engine found here:

timestamp to check against is between 17:15 and 17:40 of yesterday


Can I simply restart the hypervisor and see what happens? I remember similar thinigs in all-in-one setups where initial setup failed the vdsm part but then a restart was ok.....

It's better to understood what was wrong.

I couldn't agree more with you... ;-)

Anyway yesterday I had to poweroff my laptop and so my environment and today I power on the hypervisor again.
The engine VM automatically starts inside it and I can access the web admin portal, but the host of course results as down.
Datacenters and Clusters are not populated; I only have the "Default".
See screenshot of portal with yesterday and today events for the host here:

BTW: I find from the events that actually yesterday host-deploy log file is on the host itself under /tmp
--> perhaps a better place on host?

Anyway here it is the generated file ovirt-host-deploy-20151021172025-gbtn0q.log:
