Hi Marcel,
That's basically it.
Adding +Martin Perina.

Martin is there a way to keep the VM's assigned MAC addresses while migrating their SD?

Shani Leviim

On Wed, Feb 19, 2020 at 7:14 AM djagoo <dev@djagoo.io> wrote:
After three weeks the only possible solution I can see is

- undeploying hosted engine from one of the hosts
- removing the host from the cluster
- creating a new DC
- creating a new Cluster
- recreate all networks etc. from the old DC in the new one
- add the host
- add a new temporary V5 SD serving as MasterSD
- backup of the hosted-engine
- enable global ha maintenance
- shutdown of the hosted-engine
- hosted-engine --deploy --restore-from-file using the new datacenter and cluster on the one host in the new DC
- unattach V4 storage vom old DC reattach to the new DC and hope that all vm's are showing up on the new DC
- adding the remaining 2 hosts to the new DC and reinstall/redeploy hosted-engine to them

Do you think this could be the solution? Is it possible to move everything from the old DC to the new one by attaching the storage to it or am I loosing information about the vms (assigned MAC Addresses and so on)?


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