On Wed, Feb 21, 2024 at 6:24 PM Gianluca Cecchi <gianluca.cecchi@gmail.com> wrote:
I had a lab environment in 4.4.10, composed of only one host and local storage DC and with an external engine.
I had 3 disks on this system, with OS in the first one and local storage domains in the second and third one.
I detached the storage domains (I forgot to remove them afterwards) from the original env
Afterwards I created a completely new engine on 4.5 (not using any backup) and then I reutilized the host installing the OS in the first disk overwriting the previous env.
I have mounted the filesystems for the storage domains on the second and third disk as before, but I see that if I try to execute "import storage domain", the local type is not there.
And if I select "new storage domain" I receive the error

operation canceled
Error while executing action New Local Storage Domain: Error in creating a Storage Domain. The selected storage path is not empty (probably contains another Storage Domain). Either remove the existing Storage Domain from this path, or change the Storage path).

Is there any file I can delete from the directory tree that reproduces the "removal" action I forgot?
Or any workarounds?

Thanks in advance,

Could it work importing the local filesystem as a Posix FS one?
just trying with a not critical one, with these parameters (the same ones used before in /etc/fstab):

path: /dev/mapper/vgdata-data
VFS Type: ext4
Mount Options: defaults,discard

I get error related to sanlock daemon:

open error -13 EACCES: no permission to open /rhev/data-center/mnt/_dev_mapper_vgdata-data/13dc30ad-6e14-4c7a-9b0f-68ebb2da8af4/dom_md/ids
check that daemon user sanlock 179 group sanlock 179 has access to disk or file.
s1 open_disk /rhev/data-center/mnt/_dev_mapper_vgdata-data/13dc30ad-6e14-4c7a-9b0f-68ebb2da8af4/dom_md/ids error -13
s1 add_lockspace fail result -19

Currently I have:

# id sanlock
uid=179(sanlock) gid=179(sanlock) groups=179(sanlock),6(disk),36(kvm),107(qemu)

# ll -d /rhev/data-center/mnt/_dev_mapper_vgdata-data/13dc30ad-6e14-4c7a-9b0f-68ebb2da8af4/dom_md/ids
-rw-rw----. 1 vdsm kvm 0 Mar 12  2021 /rhev/data-center/mnt/_dev_mapper_vgdata-data/13dc30ad-6e14-4c7a-9b0f-68ebb2da8af4/dom_md/ids
