We have not yet added win 2012 handling, so things might not work as you encountered.

Yaniv Dary
Technical Product Manager
Red Hat Israel Ltd.
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On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 1:24 PM, Ian Fraser <Ian.Fraser@asm.org.uk> wrote:
 I am failing to get a Windows Server 2012 R2 Template deploy successfully. It seems to go through the motions but I cannot log in with the password given in the initial run. It seems that something is failing in the sysprep part. The ovirt docs only mention Win 7/2008. Has anyone had any success in doing this?

Best regards

Ian Fraser

Systems Administrator | Agency Sector Management (UK) Limited | www.asm.org.uk
[t] +44 (0)1784 242200 | [f] +44 (0)1784 242012 | [e] ian.fraser@asm.org.uk
Ashford House  41-45 Church Road  Ashford  Middx  TW15 2TQ
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