As expected... this is a learning curve.  My three node cluster.. in an attempt to learn how to do admin work on it,  debug it...  I have now redeployed the engine and even added second one on a node in cluster.  


I now realize that my "production vms" are gone.  

In the past, on a manual build with KVM + Gluster .. when I repaired a damaged cluster I would just then browse to the xml file and import.

I think with oVirt, those days are gone.   As the PostGres engine knows the links to the disk / thin provision volumes / network / VM definition files.


1) Can someone point me to the manual on how to re-constitute a VM and bring it back into oVirt where all "oVirt-engines" were redeployed.  It is only three or four VMs I typically care about (HA cluster and OCP ignition/ Ansible tower VM).  
2) How do I make sure these core VMs are able to be reconstituted.  Can I create a dedicated volume where the VMs are full provisioned, and the path structure is "human understandable". 
3) I know that you can backup the engine.  If I had been a smart person, how does one backup and recover from this kind of situation.    Does anyone have any guides or good articles on this?

