It seems I'm still having problems with metrics related packages after upgrade to 4.1.5.
Similar to this one at 4.1 time:

A cluster with hosts at 4.1.1 has been updated to 4.1.5
Hosts are CentOS 7.3

yum update method on host was executed to make the update, after putting it into maintenance
And reboot done.

Now after 2 days engine still complains about updates for both hosts:

Check for available updates on host ov300 was completed successfully with message 'found updates for packages rubygem-fluent-plugin-collectd-nest-0.1.4-1.el7, rubygem-fluent-plugin-viaq_data_model-0.0.5-1.el7'.

Check for available updates on host ov301 was completed successfully with message 'found updates for packages rubygem-fluent-plugin-collectd-nest-0.1.4-1.el7, rubygem-fluent-plugin-viaq_data_model-0.0.5-1.el7'.

Actually the packages are not installed at all on host. Probably released between 4. and 4.1.5.
On both hosts I have executed
yum install rubygem-fluent-plugin-collectd-nest-0.1.4-1.el7 rubygem-fluent-plugin-viaq_data_model-0.0.5-1.el7

but in my opinion it should be corrected so that in case of new packages between minor versions, they are automatically installed during update in some way

eg make the new packages a dependency of the new ovirt-release rpm so that during update 

Aug 29 12:13:17 Updated: ovirt-release41-4.1.5-1.el7.centos.noarch

they are automatically pulled in.
