Hi all,

Please find attached the agent.log DEBUG and a screenshot from webui

Thanks a lot

Best regards,


On 06/07/2017 11:27 AM, Martin Sivak wrote:
Hi all,

Yanir is right, the local vm.conf is just a cache of what was
retrieved from the engine.

I might be interesting to check what the configuration of the engine
VM shows when edited using the webadmin. Or enable debug logging [1]
for hosted engine and add the OVF dump we send there now and then (the
xml representation of the VM).

[1] See /etc/ovirt-hosted-engine-ha/agent-log.conf and change the
level for root logger to DEBUG

Best regards

Martin Sivak

On Wed, Jun 7, 2017 at 11:12 AM, Yanir Quinn <yquinn@redhat.com> wrote:
If im not mistaken the values of vm.conf are repopulated from the database ,
but i wouldn't recommend meddling with DB data.
maybe the network device wasn't set properly during the hosted engine setup

On Wed, Jun 7, 2017 at 11:47 AM, Arsène Gschwind <arsene.gschwind@unibas.ch>

Any chance to get a hint how to change the vm.conf file so it will not be
overwritten constantly?

Thanks a lot.


On 06/06/2017 09:50 AM, Arsène Gschwind wrote:


I've migrated our oVirt engine to hosted-engine located on a FC storage
LUN, so far so good.
For some reason I'm not able to start the hosted-engine VM, after digging
in the log files i could figured out the reason. The Network device was set
to "None" as follow:


I've created a new config file /var/run/ovirt-hosted-engine-ha/vm.conf.new
and set the nic device to ovirtmgnt, the I could start the hosted-engine
using :
hosted-engine --vm-start

The nic  device line in vm.conf.new looks like:


I tried to find out a way to change this setting on vm.conf but it is
constantly rewritten, even when using the webui is say's:

There was an attempt to change Hosted Engine VM values that are locked.

Is there a way to modify/correct the hosted-engine vm.conf file so it will
stay and not be overwritten?

Thanks a lot for any hint/help



Arsène Gschwind
Fa. Sapify AG im Auftrag der Universität Basel
IT Services
Klingelbergstr. 70 |  CH-4056 Basel  |  Switzerland
Tel. +41 79 449 25 63  |  http://its.unibas.ch
ITS-ServiceDesk: support-its@unibas.ch | +41 61 267 14 11

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Arsène Gschwind
Fa. Sapify AG im Auftrag der Universität Basel
IT Services
Klingelbergstr. 70 |  CH-4056 Basel  |  Switzerland
Tel. +41 79 449 25 63  |  http://its.unibas.ch
ITS-ServiceDesk: support-its@unibas.ch | +41 61 267 14 11

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Arsène Gschwind    
Fa. Sapify AG im Auftrag der Universität Basel
IT Services
Klingelbergstr. 70 |  CH-4056 Basel  |  Switzerland
Tel. +41 79 449 25 63  | 
ITS-ServiceDesk: support-its@unibas.ch | +41 61 267 14 11