Hi all,

A while ago I had some problem with hosted-engine network which wasn't set correctly at deploy time, so I finally decided to redeploy the hosted engine in the hope the network will be set correctly this time. I've followed this procedure:

  1. Stop all VMs
  2. Full backup of HE DB and export to safe place
  3. Cleanup HE storage following https://access.redhat.com/solutions/2121581
  4. Reboot Hosts
  5. Re-deploy HE until DB recovery
  6. Recover DB adding the following param:
     --he-remove-storage-vm             Removes the hosted-engine storage domain, all its entities and the hosted-engine VM during restore.
     --he-remove-hosts                  Removes all the hosted-engine hosts during restore.

  7. Finalize HE deployment.

Everything did run without errors and I'm able to access Web UI. 

But now I don't see my HE VM and its respective Storage Domain, the logs says it isn't able to import it. I see all other SD and I'm able to manage my VMs as before.

Please find attached engine.log

Thanks for any help to resolve that issue.



Arsène Gschwind    
Fa. Sapify AG im Auftrag der Universität Basel
IT Services
Klingelbergstr. 70 |  CH-4056 Basel  |  Switzerland
Tel. +41 79 449 25 63  | 
ITS-ServiceDesk: support-its@unibas.ch | +41 61 267 14 11