Yep. I had found that and applied it. Great solution! I actually wrote about it to the zen load balancer list. I will add it here for semi-documentation:
just wanted to follow-up so that it is documented on how to get this working on oVirt/RHEV. I had to install a VDSM hook to allow mac-spoofing as a VM custom property like so (on each node):
yum install vdsm-hook-macspoof
That requires a restart of vdsmd on the node as well as a process on the oVirt/RHEV engine:
engine-config -s "UserDefinedVMProperties=macspoof=(true|false)"
Which then requires a restart of the oVirt/RHEV engine.
After that, there will be an available custom properly on the VM called 'macspoof' that can be set to 'true'. Once I did this and shutdown/powered on the VMs, the cluster setup now completes successfully. You learn something every day.
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. The one thing I wish I had on these VMs is the ovirt-guest-agent which would likely work except that Debian 6 doesn't seem to have python-ethtool package/deps. If there are any plans to update the version of Debian that ZLB is based on, let me know.