Hi Bernardo
I would like to suggest a workaround to this problem , can you please check that :
We have a configuration value named FenceQuietTimeBetweenOperationsInSec.
It controls the minimal timeout to wait between fence operation (stop, start),
currently, it is defaulted to 180 sec , The key is not exposed to engine-config, so, I would suggest to
1) Change this key value to 900 by running the following from psql prompt :
update vdc_options set option_value = '900' where option_name = 'FenceQuietTimeBetweenOperationsInSec';
2) Restart the engine
3) Repeat the scenario
Now, the engine will require 15 min between fencing operations and your host can be up again without being fenced again.
Please let me know if this workaround is working for you