On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 9:44 AM, Sven Kieske <s.kieske@mittwald.de> wrote:

> In the discussion on the patch [3], Dan raised the concern that 3.4.z is a mature z-stream, and adding this dependency on resources.ovirt.org's repos will effectively blocks all vdsm updates for users which don't have these repos enabled in their production environments.

I'm sorry but I don't understand this.

I directly put here what I see Dan wrote in the link provided and that it seemed to me more a warning than a blocker.. (eventually he may add further content...)


Patch Set 2:

I'm not sure that this is a good idea for a mature z-stream. If someone has installed ovirt-3.4 without enabling the resource.ovirt.org's repos, this patch effectively blocks all vdsm updates for him.

If we really want this in ovirt-3.4.4, please explain why and warn about the downsides on users@ovirt.org.


I don't completely understand too...
How could one have installed 3.4 without enabling  resource.ovirt.org's repos?
Afaik the most of us who used EL 6 for their infra, then in soe way installed the rhev qemu-kvm package or desired/asked to do so in some way...

So I think that is this is clearly stated on release notes there should be no particular problem.
