Il giorno lun 12 ott 2020 alle ore 12:36 Budur Nagaraju <> ha scritto:

Is there a way to deploy  vms on the ovirt node without using the oVirt engine?

if you mean:
"Can I use oVirt Node for running VMs without using oVirt Engine?"
then yes, you can.

oVirt Node is a CentOS Linux derivative and as such you can use virt-manager from your laptop to connect to it and manage VMs there as if it was a normal CentOS.
You can also use cockpit for creating local VMs.

If you mean:
"Can I create VMs from oVirt Node and also manage them from the engine?"
the short answer is no.
The long answer is: you can still try using cockpit-machines-ovirt
which was deprecated in oVIrt 4.3 and removed in 4.4.
Or run VMs on oVirt Node and try to make them visible to engine using KVM provider
But I wouldn't recommend using these flows.


Sandro Bonazzola


Red Hat EMEA   

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