Hi all

I edited /etc/ovirt-engine/osinfo.conf.d/00-defaults.properties and added the lines:
os.rhel_6x64.devices.display.protocols.value = spice/qxl
os.rhel_7x64.devices.display.protocols.value = spice/qxl
os.rhel_8x64.devices.display.protocols.value = spice/qxl

And its working now.  Is this OK or is there a better way to handle this?


On Mon, 1 Aug 2022 at 11:10, Colin Coe <colin.coe@gmail.com> wrote:
Hey all

We've just updated to RHV4.4SP1 (aka 4.5) from v4.4 and now our ansible workflows are failing with:
cannot run VM. Selected display type is not supported by the operating system

The OS are RHEL6 and RHEL7 (no, I can't change this as the software stack only works with these)

I couldn't find anything in the ansible ovirt collection to change from VGA to QXL.

Any ideas on how I can make QXL the default instead of VGA?  Maybe a DB change?
