I have env1 and env2, both in 4.3 and both configured as single host HCI environments.
On both I have the predefined hosted_storage, data and vmstore gluster storage domains.
On env1 I have hosted_storage and data on a disk, and vmstore on a whole different disk. I also have a "big2" gluster storage domain created in another disk in a second time.
I want to scratch env1 but preserve and then import vmstore and big2 storage domains in env2
This "big2" is configured as a PV on the whole 4Tb disk on env1.
- nvme1n1 4Tb gluster_vg_4t2 serial: BTLF72840DVK4P0DGN
eui.01000000010000005cd2e45c02de4d51 dm-3 NVME,INTEL SSDPEDKX040T7
size=3.6T features='1 queue_if_no_path' hwhandler='0' wp=rw
`-+- policy='service-time 0' prio=0 status=active
`- 1:0:1:0 nvme1n1 259:3 active undef running
[root@ovirt ~]# pvs /dev/mapper/eui.01000000010000005cd2e45c02de4d51
PV VG Fmt Attr PSize PFree
/dev/mapper/eui.01000000010000005cd2e45c02de4d51 gluster_vg_4t2 lvm2 a-- <3.64t 0
[root@ovirt ~]#
[root@ovirt ~]# lvs gluster_vg_4t2
LV VG Attr LSize Pool Origin Data% Meta% Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
gluster_lv_big2 gluster_vg_4t2 Vwi-aot--- <4.35t my_pool 1.36
my_pool gluster_vg_4t2 twi-aot--- <3.61t 1.64 0.18
[root@ovirt ~]#
In similar way the vmstore storage domain has:
- nvme2n1 1Tb gluster_vg_nvme1n1 serial: PHLF8125037R1P0GGN
eui.01000000010000005cd2e4e359284f51 dm-1 NVME,INTEL SSDPE2KX010T7
size=932G features='1 queue_if_no_path' hwhandler='0' wp=rw
`-+- policy='service-time 0' prio=0 status=active
`- 2:0:1:0 nvme2n1 259:2 active undef running
[root@ovirt ~]# pvs /dev/mapper/eui.01000000010000005cd2e4e359284f51
PV VG Fmt Attr PSize PFree
/dev/mapper/eui.01000000010000005cd2e4e359284f51 gluster_vg_nvme1n1 lvm2 a-- 931.51g 0
[root@ovirt ~]#
[root@ovirt ~]# lvs gluster_vg_nvme1n1
LV VG Attr LSize Pool Origin Data% Meta% Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
gluster_lv_vmstore gluster_vg_nvme1n1 Vwi-aot--- 930.00g gluster_thinpool_gluster_vg_nvme1n1 63.99
gluster_thinpool_gluster_vg_nvme1n1 gluster_vg_nvme1n1 twi-aot--- 921.51g 64.58 1.80
[root@ovirt ~]#
I presume the correct way is:
- env1
delete and detach vmstore and big2 (without formatting/zeroing)
- env2
attach the two disks to the system
and then?
What should I do at gluster commands level to "import" the already setup gluster bricks/volumes and then at oVirt side to import the corresponding storage domain?
BTW: can I import the previous storage domain named "vmstore" giving anothe r name such as vmstore2, not to create conflict with already existing "vmstore" storage domain or the name is hard coded when importing and creating possible conflict?