On Thu, Jul 30, 2020 at 11:30 AM Alex K <rightkicktech@gmail.com> wrote:

On Tue, Jul 28, 2020 at 11:51 AM Anton Louw via Users <users@ovirt.org> wrote:

Hi All,


Does somebody perhaps know the process of changing the Hosted Engine IP address? I see that it is possible, I am just not sure if it is a straight forward process using ‘nmtui’ or editing the network config file. I have also ensured that everything was configured using the FQDN.

Since the FQDN is not changing you should not have issues just updating your DNS then changing manually the engine IP from the ifcfg-ethx files then restart networking. 
What i find difficult and perhaps impossible is to change engine FQDN, as one will need to regenerate all certs from scratch (otherwise you will have issues with several services: imageio proxy, OVN, etc) and there is no such procedure documented/or supported.

I wonder - how/what did you search for, that led you to this conclusion? Or perhaps you even found it explicitly written somewhere?

There actually is:


That said, it indeed was somewhat broken for some time now - some fixed were only added quite recently, and are available only in current 4.4:


I do not think I am aware of currently still-open bugs. If you find one, please file it in bugzilla. Thanks!
I might be able to soon test this engine IP change in a virtual environment and let you know.

Thanks and good luck!