You need more than one host for power management

On Sep 29, 2017 4:25 PM, "~Stack~" <> wrote:

I hit up the IRC earlier, but only crickets. Guess no one wants to stick
around late on a Friday night. :-D

I'm an ovirt newb here. I've been going through the docs setting up 4.1
on Scientific Linux 7.4. For the most part everything is going well once
I learn how to do it. I'm, however, stuck on power management.

I have multiple networks:
192.168.1.x is my BMC/ilo network. The security team wants as few entry
points into this as possible and wants as much segregation as possible.

192.168.2.x is my "management" access network. For my other machines on
this network this means admin-SSH/rsyslog/SaltStack configuration

192.168.3.x is my high speed network where my NFS storage sits and
applications that need the bandwidth do their thing.

10.10.86.x is my "public" access

All networks are configured on the Host network settings. Mostly
confident I got it least each network/IP matches the right
interface. ;-)

Right now I only have the engine server and one hyper-visor. On either
host I can ssh into the command line and run fence_ipmilan -a
192.168.1.x -l USER -p PASS -o status -v -P" it works, all is good.
However, when I try to add it in the ovirt interface I get an error. :-/

Edit Host -> Power Management:
User Name: root
Password: SorryCantTellYou
Type: ipmilan
Options: <blank>


Test failed: Failed to run fence status-check on host ''. No
other host was available to serve as proxy for the operation.

Yes, same host because I only have one right now. :-)

Any help or guidance would be much appreciated. In the meantime I'm
going back to the docs to poke at a few other things I need to figure
out. :-)


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