This is exactly what the SSO feature is for.

On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 10:24 PM, Adolfo <> wrote:

My name is Adolfo. I'm in charge of the development of UDS, an open source connection broker (with commercial support if requested) ( is done with it for example).

I don't know if this is the place to post this "request for help", if not, please forgive me :)

The case is that we are including Spice as an accepted protocol for connecting to VMs (currently we allow rdp, rgs, nx, ...) provided by oVirt, and we have found the following "issue".

It's ease to get the connection parameters for the VM using REST api, even get the ticket for allowing connection, but i have been looking for a way "logging user" directly into desktop, not only connect to "display" but also "log in" into remote without needed to use a second authentication.

I have seen that oVirt Portal currently allows this, and i have found also that vsdClient can do login using "vdsClient -s <HOSTIP> desktopLogin <VMID> <DOMAIN> <USER> <PASSWORD>", and although it is possible to use this, it will be a bit "tricky" to get it working i think.

My question is... ¿Is any way of doing "desktop login" using REST API, or any other "simple method" from an external app such as this broker?.

¿If yes, how? :-)
¿If not, will be support for this an anyone knows how?

Thank you, and again, if this is not the correct list, sorry for the annoyance.

Adolfo Gómez

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