Ohh i see.. thank you.

Luciano Giacchetta | Tecnología Informática
+Linea: +54 (11) 6091 7601 +iNum: +883 510 009 903 145
+eMail: luciano.giacchetta@osit.com.ar   +Site: http://www.osit.com.ar

2014-11-26 5:28 GMT-03:00 Artyom Lukianov <alukiano@redhat.com>:
You need to specify limit for host cpu loading in %, so if you want that your vm will not utilize more than 30% of host cpu you need to put this value to 30.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Luciano Giacchetta" <luciano.giacchetta@osit.com.ar>
To: users@ovirt.org
Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2014 5:47:17 PM
Subject: [ovirt-users] DataCenters/QoS/CPU


I want to implement a new CPU QoS but i don't know what data needs in "Limit: field.
I saw this page, http://www.ovirt.org/Features/CPU_SLA but as i can see it only reference to http://libvirt.org/formatdomain.html#elementsCPUTuning

Does Limit field need to be filled with some options from <cputune>?
Is there some related information?

Ovirt: 3.5.1
Centos: 6.6


Luciano Giacchetta | Tecnología Informática
+Linea: +54 (11) 6091 7601 +iNum: +883 510 009 903 145
+eMail: luciano.giacchetta@osit.com.ar +Site: http://www.osit.com.ar

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