Your last resort can be to update the DB...

Use this only on  test system.

1. Log on engine
2. Switch to postgres
su - postgres
3. Load the necessary stuff:
source /opt/rh/rh-postgresql10/enable
4. Open the db
psql engine
5. Check the transfers:
select * from image_transfers;
6. Change the phase to '4' or delete them.
UPDATE image_transfers SET phase = 4 WHERE phase=<your_phase_here>;

Replace with your phase.

Yet, this shouldn't be done on prod system. Another  option is to wipe all transfers, but I'm not sure what could happen in the future.

Good luck!

Best Regards,
Strahil Nikolov

On Mar 21, 2019 20:26, Edward Berger <> wrote:

> When trying to put a node 4.3.0 into maintenance, I get the following error:
> --
> Error while executing action: Cannot switch Host to Maintenance mode. Image transfer is in progress for the following (2) disks:
> 8d130846-bd84-46b0-9a45-b6a2ecf66865,
> 35fd6f8f-65f5-49e7-ae5a-9b10c5c0a38f
> Please wait for the operations to complete and try again.
> --
> Attached is an image of the disks UI for those, showing their status.
> From the engine UI there seems to be no way to clean out "completed" or "failed" uploads/downloads.  
> I tried running the and unlock-entity disk UUIDs but I still get the error.
> Not sure what to try next...