Hi Indunil.

On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 10:10 AM, Indunil Jayasooriya <indunil75@gmail.com> wrote:

> Can I shedule a VM backup with Ovirt Manager GUI. If possible, Pls let me
> know.

Not at this moment, and this is not planned for the future, afaik.

Thanks for the direct Answer. Why 's that? Can you guys go ahead without EASY BACKUP Solution, When other Products like VMWare are around?

VMware provides a utility with similar functionality to oVirt's backup tool. 
In order to properly backup a VMWare setup and VMs you will need to pay money for
the relevant backup product. 

Did you play with the other SDK examples etc suggested during this thread?

May I suggest that this is best done as a plugin/contribution to a backup
solution, not standalone. I guess most sites with more than a few hosts use
some such solution - FOSS (amanda/bacula/backuppc/etc) or proprietary
(netbackup/backupexec/acronis/etc) - and backup of VMs (ovirt or other)
should be handled in this scope.

I have used bacula before. My question is how to backup VMs running in Ovirt?
When I can't pinpoint a VM Image? Will I have to take Whole storage such as NSF, ISCSI or SAN (i.e - FC)

Them, How to restore?

Could you pls answer?

Using the backup API[1] you should be capable of scripting such a task.

[1] http://www.ovirt.org/Features/Backup_API 

Searching the net I manage to find [1] and [2], which might be what
you want. Note that I never tried any of them myself.

[1] https://github.com/ovirt-china/vm-backup-scheduler
[2] https://github.com/wefixit-AT/oVirtBackup

Thank you very much for the above links?

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Thank you
Indunil Jayasooriya
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