On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 1:14 PM, Fred Rolland <frolland@redhat.com> wrote:


Yes, the /etc/vdsm/logger.conf contains log level settings for most of the operations, but not all.

You can use vdsm-client to enable logging :

vdsm-client  Host setLogLevel level=DEBUG name=QemuImg

The vdsm-client commnad was not installed by default during my host setup (plain CentOS 7.3 server); not in default packages installed when deploying host from web ui.
So I manually installed it (at the version matching the current vdsm one):
yum install vdsm-client-

[root@ov300 vdsm]# vdsm-client Host setLogLevel level=DEBUG name=QemuImg
[root@ov300 vdsm]# 

And then I see in vdsm.log

2017-06-28 16:20:08,396+0200 DEBUG (tasks/5) [QemuImg] qemu-img operation progress: 3.0% (qemuimg:330)

How to have it persistent across reboots? Is it safe and should imply only debug log for qemu-img commands?

Regarding the UI, see attached a screenshot. Under the "Locked" status there is a progress bar.

It is not my case.
See this screenshot while qemu-imh convert is already in place, moving a 900Gb disk from iSCSI SD to iSCSI SD:

My engine is on CentOS 7.3 and my host has qemu-kvm-ev-2.6.0-28.el7_3.6.1.x86_64 and vdsm-
In which version was it introduced?