On Fri, Mar 9, 2018 at 10:46 PM, Chlipala, George Edward <gchlip2@uic.edu> wrote:

Our oVirt installation ( is configured to use noVNC as the default console (ClientModeVncDefault = noVnc).  This works perfectly fine in the Administrator portal.  However if a user logs in to the VM portal when they click the VNC console option it generates a virt-viewer file (native VNC client) instead of opening a noVNC session.  We cannot seem to find any options on the VM portal to use noVNC or set as the default.  Is there another option that we need to set to allow noVNC via the VM portal?

it is not yet there - the issue tracking it is here: https://github.com/oVirt/ovirt-web-ui/issues/490




George Chlipala, Ph.D.

Associate Director, Core for Research Informatics

Research Resources Center

University of Illinois at Chicago

phone: 312-413-1700


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