On Tue, Jun 27, 2017 at 12:37 PM, InterNetX - Juergen Gotteswinter <jg@internetx.com> wrote:

Am 27.06.2017 um 11:27 schrieb Gianluca Cecchi:
> Hello,
> I have a storage domain that I have to empty, moving its disks to
> another storage domain,
> Both source and target domains are iSCSI
> What is the behavior in case of preallocated and thin provisioned disk?
> Are they preserved with their initial configuration?

yes, they stay within their initial configuration

Thanks. I'll try and report in case of problems

> Suppose I have one 500Gb thin provisioned disk
> Why can I indirectly see that the actual size is 300Gb only in Snapshots
> tab --> Disks of its VM ?

if you are using live storage migration, ovirt creates a qcow/lvm
snapshot of the vm block device. but for whatever reason, it does NOT
remove the snapshot after the migration has finished. you have to remove
it yourself, otherwise disk usage will grow more and more.

Do you mean the snapshot of the original one? In my case I'm moving from storage domain to storage domain and I would expect nothing remaining at source storage...
How can I verify the snapshot still there?
Is there any bugzilla entry tracking this? It would be strange if not...
