I'm checking Italian Translation in 4.0.6 and completing it for 4.1 (now at 92%).
Suppose I found an untranslated / bad translated word: what is the best and quick way to go to Zanata and find the reference for it and correct?
For example in 4.0.6 I'm in dashboard and at bottom I have the three labels 

Alert, Events, Tasks

I click ALerts and then I want to dismiss an Alert because it happened while I was configuring Power Management: I faked the password to verify that the test failed and I got the alert 

Power Management test failed for Host .....

I rght click on the alert line and I see three options and the first and third one are untranslated

they are

Dismiss Alert
Display All

(I'm going to send a separate e-mail to ask about alerts and events in general).

If I go to Zanata, select oVirt 4.0 and Italian language line and use the search function I don't find anything....
I see there is an option to 
Download All for Offline Translation
Export Italian Documents to TMX
I have not tried them yet, but I would prefer to directly correct online while I find some things to correct.
