On Thu, Apr 5, 2018 at 9:08 AM, TomK <tomkcpr@mdevsys.com> wrote:
On 4/4/2018 3:11 AM, Yaniv Kaul wrote:

On Wed, Apr 4, 2018 at 12:39 AM, Tom <tk@mdevsys.com <mailto:tk@mdevsys.com>> wrote:

    Sent from my iPhone

    On Apr 3, 2018, at 9:32 AM, Yaniv Kaul <ykaul@redhat.com
    <mailto:ykaul@redhat.com>> wrote:

    On Tue, Apr 3, 2018 at 3:12 PM, TomK <tomkcpr@mdevsys.com
    <mailto:tomkcpr@mdevsys.com>> wrote:

        Hey Guy's,

        If I'm looking to setup the oVirt engine in an HA
        configuration off the physical servers hosting my VM's (non
        self hosted), what are my options here?

        I want to setup two to four active oVirt engine instances
        elsewhere and handle the HA via something like haproxy /
        keepalived to keep the entire experience seamless to the user.

    You will need to set up the oVirt engine service as well as the PG
    database (and ovirt-engine-dwhd service and any other service we
    run next to the engine) as highly available module.
    In pacemaker[1], for example.
    You'll need to ensure configuration is also sync'ed between nodes,

    So already have one ovirt engine setup separately on a vm that
    manages two remote physical hosts.  So familiar with the single host
    approach which I would simply replicate.  At least that’s the idea
    anyway.  Could you please expand a bit on the highly available
    module and  syncing the config between hosts?

That's a different strategy, which is also legit - you treat this VM as a highly available resource. Now you do not need to sync the config - just the VM disk and config.

I think there's a postgres component too and if oVirt engine keeps all it's date on the postgres tables, then synchronizing this piece might be all I need?  I'm not sure how the separate oVirt engines sitting on various separate physical hosts keep their settings in sync about the rest of the physicals in an oVirt environment. (Assume we may have 100 oVirt physicals for example.)

There's more than just the database, although it contains 99% of what you need. See the content of the result of 'engine-backup' command.
I think you might be somewhat confusing between the number of oVirt hypervisors (we support hundreds) and the Engine - the management, which is single - and with hosted-engine, it's a single, but highly available virtual machine - that can run on one of several (I suggest 3-8) of those hypervisors.

Perhaps something like https://www.unixarena.com/2015/12/rhel-7-pacemaker-configuring-ha-kvm-guest.html .

But if you are already doing that, I'm not sure why you'd prefer this over hosted-engine setup.

I'm comparing both options.  I really don't want to ask too many specific until I have the chance to read into the details of both.




    [1] https://clusterlabs.org/quickstart-redhat.html

        From what I've seen in oVirt, that seems to be possible
        without the two oVirt engines even knowing each other's
        existence but is it something anyone has ever done?  Any
        recommendations in this case?

        Having settings replicated would be a bonus but I would be
        comfortable if they weren't and I handle that myself.

        --         Cheers,
        Tom K.

        Living on earth is expensive, but it includes a free trip
        around the sun.

        Users mailing list
        Users@ovirt.org <mailto:Users@ovirt.org>

Tom K.

Living on earth is expensive, but it includes a free trip around the sun.