On Thu, 19 Jul 2018 at 17:41 Николаев Алексей <alexeynikolaev.post@yandex.ru> wrote:
Thx for all.
18.07.2018, 10:37, "Petr Kotas" <pkotas@redhat.com>:

Hi Alex,

would you mind being more specific with your question?

What are you trying to achieve?

According to documentation https://ovirt.org/feature/container-support/ there are two different approaches to working with Docker:
1. run the container on hosts virtualization, along with the VM;
2. run containers inside VMS managed by oVirt.
I would like to hear the pros and cons of each method. Which one is preferable to use in the oVirt infrastructure.
Again you didn't specify your needs so those answers maybe too general. Anyhow, when you run openshift on ovirt
you get all all the advantages you get when running any workload on vms. Example when your VMs
are the openshift nodes or masters, your can migrate them, snapshot them, duplicate them etc...
Plus the flex storage plugin that will use your underlying storage if that is something your workloads need.
We are working on expanding the integration of oVirt with Openshift origin.


  • Openshift 3.9.0
  • Running service catalog
Does it require installation of Openshift Origin?

You can use openshift or kubernetes.