On Fri, May 30, 2014 at 4:56 PM, Simon Barrett <Simon.Barrett@tradingscreen.com> wrote:



The above doc says “In addition to hypervisor hosts, you can also reconfigure servers which are running Fedora to be used as virtual machine hosts.”


It then has a line to install the repos:


yum localinstall http://plain.resources.ovirt.org/pub/yum-repo/ovirt-release34.rpm


but then jumps to iptables configuration. Am I missing something?


Can anyone give me any pointers on the steps I need to do (after the intial ovirt-release34.rpm yum install) to install and configure ovirt-node on a CentOS or Fedora host?






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You have to go ahead with the webadmin part steps that follow.
And then follow the part where its says "To attach a Fedora host"
that should be read as "To attach a Fedora or CentOS host"
(I took the time to insert some referral to CentOS too inside the wiki)
When you click Ok in the window "New Host" after filling up the required fileds, it will use the previously configured repo to install needed packages
(in the past there was also a tar file containing several rpm files that was copied from engine to the host and installed, but probably it is not so anymore).
