On Tue, Jun 28, 2022 at 5:50 PM Clint Boggio <clint.boggio@gmail.com> wrote:
"No valid network interface has been found
If you are using Bonds or VLANs Use the following naming conventions: "

However I am using a supported naming convention. I've searched the forums and the general WWW and read the articles that match my errors. i've tried some of the options that are referenced in the articles but still no forward motion.

Is this a common problem that somebody else has already solved and I just am not finding it on the web ?

Did you use classic bonding and not teaming, correct?
What output from the "ip a" command? And "nmcli con show" command?
Also, if I remember correctly, the graphical workflow is not supported, at least in the downstream product, RHV, for HCI deployment; possibly not so tested in upstream oVirt too?
In fact at the landing page for RHV 4.4 (comprising 4.4-SP1, that matches somehow oVirt 4.5.x):
there is only the command line based document for self-hosted engine deployment
