You need replicated gluster storage for that. So that one part of the storage can go down but two others still keep on running. And you need to set the threshold so that a quorum of 2 is sufficient (if you have replica 3).

If the storage volume is offline. It would be the same as the same thing as if you pulled the hard drive from a server.

So if ovirt wouldn't pause the virtual server then Linux would complain and set it to read only.

On July 24, 2018 13:05:13 Matthew B <> wrote:


I am trying to understand how I can prevent a VM from being paused when one of it's disks is unavailable due to a problem with the storage domain.

The scenario:

A VM with 3 disks. OS disk on a highly available domain. And Two large disks each on separate domains. (so a total of 3 domains).

The two large disks are mirrored using ZFS - but when one of the storage domains goes down the VM pauses. Is is possible to configure the VM to not pause when certain storage domains are unavailable? So instead of getting Paused due to IO error the disk would just be missing until that domain was brought back online?

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